Thursday, November 20, 2008

S/M Data Presentation- More Research


So I have decided that what I want to present in my informative video clip is facts about poor bathroom hygiene and how to improve your cleanliness.  Poor bathroom hygiene can present a health risk to the entire household. When not cleaned properly and often, a dirty bathroom becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and germs that spread illness through the house. Each family member can play their part in keeping the bathroom clean to prevent germs from spreading. It involves keeping themselves clean and cleaning up after themselves. The regimen is not just healthy; it's considerate. The dirt and germs you leave behind can linger and spread illness to other family members.

This relates to my original activity of brushing your teeth, but now I'm taking it one step further and branching out to the bathroom in general. These are the 5 facts I will be presenting:

1. Use disposable towels to dry your hands instead of a cloth towel that everyone would use. By using disposables, you'll be throwing away germs instead of spreading them. Communal towels contain bacteria and viruses that cause illness.

2. Replace your toothbrushes every three months. Don't let your dirty toothbrush hang in the holder with your family’s toothbrushes. And never share a toothbrush with anyone. That's the quickest way to spread infections.

3. Occasionally remove your showerheads and soak them overnight in vinegar or a commercial cleanser. This removes the build-up and dirt that clogs the head and contaminates the shower water.
(info from

4. Fecal bacteria grow in refillable soap dispensers. You can get as many as 10 million bacteria on your hands every time you use one because they grow in the soap. So, don’t use them! Buy a new soap dispenser when you run out.

5. Flush your toilet with the lid closed because the force of the flush can send bacteria and water droplets from the toilet out in to the air and can contaminate your personal hygiene items such as your toothbrush!

This is an interesting video I found about my last fact:Dr.Know: How Dirty Are Bathrooms?

1 comment:

meredith adams said...

Kyle,This is interesting as a data presentation, but I feel like you could have put a different twist on the facts. You might include more "cause and effect" or more percentages of certain aspects. People respond more to numbers or comparisons (aka this hand towel has as much bacteria as a toilet brush...etc.) The pacing is nice and the sequence makes sense in the way that you'd see those things in that order upon entering the bathroom; but what about the order of their use (or something close to it)? It might give the viewer more to relate to. The formal qualities are nice because they relate to your content and bring together the familiarity of your bathroom and these facts about hygiene. The pace is a little fast, but you explained the technical difficulties that have to do with that. If you can fix it, each fact does need to stay on the screen a little longer. The duration of the entire presentation though, is a good amount of time. It keeps my interest but doesn't drag on. I just wish that the facts connected to that better. In the video the motion is a little choppy but the data helps to detract from it. I do like how the slowed movement to each object gives it a looming quality that calls attention to bad bathroom hygiene without actually saying it. Transitions are great! It didn't feel natural, but I think that helps support your facts. The only problem I have is with the zooming typography. Is there a better way to have the type appear from each object? More subtle movements will help the viewer focus on what the words are saying instead of what they're doing. Your music seems to overtake the video and it has weird timing at the beginning. Start the music when you start the video.
overall I would give you a 7