After meeting in class today, I decided to really refine my ideas and come up with a series of strinking, powerful and personal posters consisting of up close faces of young gay men with statistics about HIV written on their faces. These 5 posters will be hung above the urinals at 3 different gay bars this weekend so that my audience will have to face the truth while partaking in a personal activity (the bathroom). This is the perfect place to reach out to them because when someone is standing at the urinal, they will be forced to look these men in the eyes and let the fact soak in. My goal is to reach my audience when they aren't expecting it, so I think this idea is really strong. Hanging on the mirror or on the back of the bathroom door will be a poster that says "HIV-Protect Yourself. Spread the truth, not the disease." So that way my message is kind of a 2 part attack. They see the stats on the faces and then they see my message.

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