Friday, November 20, 2009

Multimedia Experience: Portfolio Directions- Revised!

Idea # 1. Individual triangles reveal work connected at the corner and the whole mountain of work can be dragged around the screen to view the work. The navigation exists as white peaks to the mountain..example shown is "about me."

Idea # 2. Similar idea, where the individual triangles reveal work connected at the corner, but this time, they can each be dragged around the screen separately to view the work at fairly large scale. The white triangle at each peak is linked to the 6 main navigation options.

Idea # 3. I narrowed my portfolio content down for this final direction and now have 21 pieces of work. The mountain of triangles is still working visually, but now each opens up (at the corner) a medium sized image of the project with a blurb about it. The triangle changes from a cropped image to a full color sample from the piece of work to indicate that it is opened. Hover over instructions tell the user to click the image to view it in full screen. This allows them the option of viewing the work at different sizes. The main navigation opens up as a full screen overlay that can be clicked to close out of.
I REALLY like this direction!

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