Friday, December 4, 2009


I launched my new and refined design portfolio website! Check it out HERE.

The current site is intended to be viewed at full screen, with your browser's window opened up to it's maximum size and all chrome removed (status bar, bookmarks bar, etc.). There should be no scroll bars showing if it is opened up correctly! The document size may be too large for standard browser size, so I need to reconsider this issue.

My intention was to design a portfolio site to showcase my work while implimenting not so typical functions that challenge what is expected from the user, but still makes sense. Therefore, the drag and drop function, which is cool and unique, is important to viewing all of the portfolios content. This functions purpose is validated by the way I activated the boundaries of the screen that we tend to forget about. All work can be viewed at a small scale or full screen, based on the user's level of interest. I also implemented a slideshow in both views, to show multiple images of some projects.

I am most proud of the overall functionality of my website and how I explored the presentation of my work in a way that I've never seen done before. I taught myself a lot about Flash and actionscript 3.0, which I feel is useful knowledge for my career. I am happy with the "instructions" that follow the mouse around to give the user a better understanding of what they should/can do on my site. I think some of the small scale image boxes are lacking the gray space around the work, so I may revise those to be more comfortable, visually. I also struggled with getting my flash document to fit universally into the web browser so that it becomes compatible on all user's screens, and not just mine. Finally, I believe that a pre-loader may be necessary to keep the user's attention while the site loads.


Josh Eithun said...

I think the usability is pretty working best at first - when its just the triangles. The roll over tips help me understand what im suppose to do and the work is organized and easy to mange.

its when you start moving them around it gets crazy.

a. I really don't think it necessary. If there was purpose of moving them around it make sense, but there is not.
b. its makes things really congested, and unorganized.

I think the triangle format is unique. As well as well as the IDEA of being able to move the elements around. There has to be a purpose for it, tho.

I think so. I specifically like how you give the user tips through out their journey on what they could do next.

I think the organization is good when you first arrive at the page and before the user can move things around. Once they do move them around, it gets really unorganized. Maybe thats a good thing? I got frustrated with it.

Greg Gentry said...

I think your site overall is very impressive and really pushes the act of interaction creatively. It was a good move to add your actual work, im glad you had time to do it because we can see it in the full context in which you intended.
Starting with the left side i like how your name and nav align with the triangles to the right. I think it was smart to pop up a square after clicking on about me that is transparent. I did notice that after click once on the text, the second tim around it wouldn't let me open about me again. I also think you should introduce a pop up square for the process blog, motion wheel and pdf portfolio that way your screen does not jump so abruptly. I really like how your mouse has a description that prompts you what to do and how things work on your site. Very clever and also nice to have that direction.

I like the triangles you have going for you work, a few things to consider for developing this could be:
I wonder about how when the work pops up and it goes off the screen towards the top, could be cleaned up and considered so it is fully visible when clicked upon. I also wonder about some kind of sorting method maybe, so i could find something quickly, maybe rollover titles, or categories. I feel i could get a little lost, but i do like the discovery aspect of your work, i just question there maybe being a more simple way to find something such as your aids campaign if someone came to this site specifically looking for that, they could find it right away. A reset button would be nice so people don't have to refresh, and i think it would be considerate to the user if you can figure it out. Refresh works too i guess.

I think overal your site is very unique, it something ive never really seen before, and i think it displays your interest in interactivity and also wanting to pursue the field working with website design.

Good job and i look forward to seeing what you do to develop it and seeing it in its' final form. Great start and i think you are in a good place for second semester.

Josh Eithun said...

i just re read my comment...
a few typos. sorry!

G.J said...

really these cards are unique in style i got some new ideas about plastic cards from your images.

Plastic Business Cards
plastic cards